Sunday, June 21, 2009

New IRONHEAD caps are redhot!

The new batch of IRONHEAD caps are being enjoyed by thousands of fans out there, but few are happier than Coco from Toronto with her spicy red SUMO ball cap!
Batter up.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Trampoline champs in IRONHEAD!

These two Ontario trampoline experts were recently snapped wearing very smart IRONHEAD tops. IRONHEAD will put a spring in anyones day!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Sam, the Sultan of Squeegee, is famed throughout the silkscreen world for the fantastic hard work he puts into the crafting of IRONHEAD t-shirts.
He is seen here enjoying a recent well deserved vacation in Havana Cuba...always spreading the good word of IRONHEAD.
Que suave ese hombre. VIVA IRONHEAD!